St George's Primary School Portland

Free School Meals

Free school meals
A free healthy meal is available every school day to children whose parents or carers receive qualifying benefits.

Please visit the Dorset Council Free School Meals web page for more information to see if your child is eligible. This contains a quick, easy, and confidential online application form. The financial information you provide will not be seen by your child’s school or teachers, and the school will only be notified if your application is approved.

Free holiday activities
If your child qualifies for benefit-related free school meals, they also get access to free activities and nutritious food in the school holidays: Find out more  

Get extra funding for your child’s school
Even if your child is in reception, year 1 or year 2 and already gets universal infant free school meals (UIFSM), please complete a free school meals application form if you think you might be eligible.  If approved, you will gain access to free holiday activities and your school will receive extra funding (called pupil premium) to support your child’s education and development: Apply for free school meals - Dorset Council